There are occasions when people need short-term assistance to care for their dachshunds until either longer-term aid is available or the situation is resolved. DCA Region VI has established these guidelines to ensure that each case receives consistent and fair treatment.
The Emergency Assistance Program will be administered by the Emergency Assistance Committee. The committee will be composed of:
- Region VI Rescue Chair
- Region VI Chair
- Region VI Treasurer
The Region VI Rescue Chair will head the committee.
The individual(s) being assisted must meet one or more of the following criteria:
a. A member of a regional club
b. A member of the Dachshund Club of America
c. Someone who actively works in the DCA Region VI rescue program.
Items covered will be:
a. Commercial boarding
b. Emergency Veterinary Care
The amount paid will be the usual and customary fees paid by the Region. During the assistance period local clubs will also be contacted to offer additional assistance. The total amount of assistance cannot exceed $250/incident without approval by Region VI.
The Region will make direct payments to the providers to help pay for care for dachshunds only. A maximum of one month’s aid will be provided per incident. This gives the Region and the individual(s) involved a reasonable amount of time to determine how to resolve the matter.
The committee will assist the individual(s) to help find ways to resolve the situation. The counseling will include but not be limited to: Directing them to sources of longer-term aid and/or placing dogs.
The Emergency Assistance Committee may consider other factors they deem relevant in applying these guidelines.